After acting as lead counsel in multi-million dollar complex litigation, Andrew opened the Schwaba Law Firm in North Carolina in 2010 with a commitment to helping regular people. As a lawyer that takes cases to trial, Andrew realized what it takes to help people recover: an honest victim and a lawyer committed to telling their truth. With the Schwaba Law Firm, Andrew applies this simple formula to gain recovery for clients in all different types of cases, including motor vehicle accidents, class action claims, medical negligence, defective products, insurance bad faith, workplace accidents, construction accidents and other consumer matters including multi-million dollar class and mass action claims involving toxic torts, credit fraud and insurance claims. A large percentage of this work comes from referrals from other lawyers and former clients who have recommended Andrew to their friends and family.
Outside of the courtroom, Andrew is a member and is involved in the following:
North Carolina Bar Association
Bench Bar Liaison Committee
Medico-Legal Committee
Litigation Section
State Bar of Wisconsin
Professionalism Committee
Bench-Bar Committee
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina
United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin
North Carolina Advocates for Justice – Sponsoring Patron
American Advocates for Justice
Wisconsin Advocates for Justice
Public Justice
American Constitution Society
Friend of the International Human Rights Law Institute (IHRLI)
St. Therese Parish – Member